In English

How did I end being an author and a writer? Doing what I call breaking down language and write uniquely otherwise?

To put it in a few nutshells.

I was born with a rare neurological trait that spots contradictions in written and spoken language, behavior, gestures and expressions like pupil dilation, blinking, changes in breathing. Also in systems, cultural constructs, theories etc. The trait wasn’t easy to learn to live with, but after decades of growing, learning and studying, it became a strength like no other.

After high school, I mainly studied and practiced acting in theater productions until I figured out what actually calls me is writing.

Before I got into university and had my master’s degree in literature, I obtained degrees in journalism and public communication.

Then I met my future stand-up comedian husband and became his comedy writing partner. While doing a wide range of other writing.

During my comedy assisting years and being very into language itself, I also studied a particular area of linguistics in different parts of the world. And practiced it for years, teaching individuals and groups: I kind of broke down language to find the fundamental assumptions behind it.

We wrote the Finnish version of our first book during lock-down in California. With my now ex-husband because we got a divorce about a two years ago. Our book became bestseller in Finland, being a uncommon type of story about making a breakthrough in the US. And the sequel for the first one, Dream Divorce, comes out in March 2023.

The book’s success has been surprising and moving as hell – thanks to our dear readers.

At the moment I’m writing a new book about psychical and mental abuse – of course it’s as different as the previous were. And this time the sole writer is me, using just my own voice.


The book is represented by Elina Ahlback Agency.

Elina Ahlback Agency